What Happens to Real Estate Prices During Inflation?

Inflation even hit the most profitable industries in the world. Fortunately or unfortunately, inflation is not very cruel to real estate. If it sometimes negatively impacts the housing market, it never goes without sprinkling some benefits as well. 

The negative consequences of inflation on real estate often include increased mortgage rates, rising asset values, a decline in the value of lengthy debt, greater building costs, and more. Moreover, any long-term debts on the investor’s part lose worth. If real estate investors make wise purchases against inflation, this inflation might spit a positive impact.

However, inflation only keeps entertaining longtime owners through the evaluation of properties’ selling prices. This means you may get a higher profit when someone buys your property. Even if the property is leased out on rent, a high rate of return is guaranteed. 

Let’s cut to the chase; it’s not very simple. Knowing the details of the causes, reasons, and effects is crucial, so let’s get started!

What Is Inflation?

Inflation is the name of increased rates of goods and services, typically in one year. Increased prices, in return, affect the dollar’s value negatively. We can say that inflation occurs when too much money chases limited goods. Moreover, it happens when more money is available, i.e. increased money circulation

Now that you know what inflation is let us move to its causes. Why does inflation occur in the first place? 

Causes Of Inflation

Inflation occurs solely because of the Federal Reserve’s (Central Bank) activities. We are sure you want to know the details. Okay, so let’s look at the factors that affect inflation.

Lax Monetary Policy

Lax monetary policy refers to the increased money supply. It includes cash, coins, bank accounts, etc. As the money circulates progressively, it results in currency devaluation. Long story short, it is a process by which the banks introduce a high flow of money into the economy directly. 

If you are thinking of investing in real estate, it is a good idea to keep your eyes on the fluctuations in economic conditions. Invest whenever you find that inflation is balanced. 

Supply Shocks

Any out-of-the-blue event that affects the supply of products and commodities is termed a supply shock. It is one of the most important factors that cause inflation. 

A supply shock is of two types, i.e., positive and negative. A positive supply shock boosts output and reduces prices. A negative supply shock causes the prices of an item to increase. And this is a result of increased demand for an item compared to its supply.

Demand Shocks

Demand shock is any event responsible for increased or decreased demand for a good or service in the economy. Inflation occurs when the good’s supply is constant while the demand is progressive.

Effects of Inflation on Real Estate

The real estate business has to go through many changes because of inflation. Building a home is not so easy anymore, with inflation at its peak. Inflation has the following distinct effects on real estate. Let us make it clear and concise for you.

Higher Mortgage Rates

A higher mortgage rate means the interest rate charged by the bank on a loan. The loan is used to buy a property further. As inflation increases, the bank tends to pressure the economy by increasing interest rates. 

Suppose you are thinking of buying a new property during inflation. You will have to borrow and face high mortgage interest rates. It will be a difficult choice to make, though. 

When inflation is higher, the central bank simultaneously increases the mortgage payments, so you should shift to saving rather than spending more. This tactic will prove to be very useful for you to resist high inflation.  

We must recommend you not buy properties during inflation. 

Higher Asset Prices

Buying a new house or property is one of the great assets. It is said that property investments are beneficial for everyone. If you do not invest in real estate, it may be a cue for you to do so. 

When you are ready to invest in inflation, remember that high prices of everything also mean high prices in real estate. Increased bank interest rates, increased rates of construction supplies and materials, and rising wages pressure the real estate demand. In simple words, debt becomes a bit more costly than usual. 

Eats Historical Debt

Suppose you are investing in the drastic times of inflation. This point can make you a bit happy. Inflation eats historical debt. It means if you have a previous debt before investing in real estate, it will be devalued. In simple words, your previous or current debt goes down. It becomes cheaper. 

Let us explain it a bit more with an example. 

Suppose you invested $200000 in real estate and paid $20000 as a down payment. As for the mortgage, you signed a 3% interest rate of $150000 for ten years. The good news is that inflation may increase by 5%. At this point, you’ll pay $600 every year, but the value of your money will increase by 5% from now on. 

Increase In Construction Costs

With a significant increase in inflation, real estate development costs follow suit. Real estate development includes the following:

  • Property acquisition.
  • Project planning.
  • Construction (labour costs, machinery costs, and the cost of building materials).
  • Leasing.

The price for all these operations becomes expensive when inflation sets in.

Why Do Real Estate Prices Increase During Inflation?

Real Estate prices correlate with inflation. Why? We have a reasonable argument for that too. Let us make it easier for you to understand. Take a look at the following list. These points are the reason for the increase in home prices during inflation.

Income Generating Asset

Greater the asset value, the greater the asset prices.

Suppose you are a person owning multiple properties. Your investments in real estate can generate great profits in the form of rent. You can benefit from your investments by renting them out during inflation.  

Rents shoot up during inflation. It means that your asset yields high income. In a business, it is a basic rule to cover all expenses incurred before calculating the disposable income, in this case – the total income after paying all taxes, bills, mortgages, etc.

After paying all expenses, the remaining amount is called the cap rate. This amount is the actual return on investment that goes to the investor. 

Long story short, real estate prices increase during inflation because the amount of profit it yields is greater. Moreover, everyone wishes to own an income-generating asset

Limited Amount Of Real Estate

Inflation and the limited amount of properties? If you think the same, let’s break it down. 

Higher money circulation limits the amount of real estate to invest in properties. 

Let’s explain.

  • Picture an economy where the available amount of money is $100,000 and 100 houses. Each house is worth $1000
  • After some time, the central bank issues $100,000 more, but the number of houses is the same. Now, each house is $2000 worth of $200,000 money available in the economy. 

Well, the point here is that increased money circulation causes inflation. People have more money to spend but lesser opportunities to invest. So, real estate demand increases, but supply does not. Hence, the available real estate prices shoot up

Increase In Construction Costs Of Houses

Another reason for elevated housing prices during inflation is construction costs. When a house is built, it has to go through several processes. Each process has its own cost. The overall cost includes the cost of materials, labour costs, and land costs. 

Apart from this, home builders charge separately. Here is a tip for you if you want to invest in real estate. All the costs incurred in real estate development procedures skyrocket during inflation. 

It will be difficult for you to manage all those expenses. So, invest your money when the costs are low – balanced or no inflation. Invest when the time is right.

Consequences of Increasing Interest Rates

Want to know the consequences of increasing interest rates? Unfortunately, the impact is mostly negative. Let’s take a look. 

  • Borrowing becomes difficult
  • Hiked Deposits
  • Houses are less affordable
  • Dollar value increases. 

It becomes difficult for investors to sell houses at a higher price after increasing interest rates. Generally speaking, homes become less affordable when interest rates rise. So, the number of potential buyers declines. 

If you are a buyer, let us inform you beforehand that the overall cost of a house is much greater than you think. Alternatively, you will have to apply for a loan, but it will not work because of increased interest rates. 

Real estate has its perks. It is indeed a profitable business. You can succeed if you use the right strategies at the right time. Keep reading to get a discrete knowledge of how to invest in inflationary pressures. 

How to Invest During Inflation?

Investing in real estate can be tricky during inflation. There is no guarantee that an investment will be worth and 100% profitable. However, some strategies have proven successful for investors in inflationary periods.

Here we have found the best possible strategies for you:

Note Investing

Let us introduce you to note investing. Using your asset or property to help someone else get a loan is termed note investing. And the main thing here is using collateral as a guarantee. 

Suppose you own a good amount of money and want to invest it in real estate. Another party wants to get a loan from the bank, but the interest rates have increased because of inflation. Now it is difficult for them to get a loan. 

So, through this method, you will help the other party get their debt but use their house as a guarantee (they may pay their debt back). In this way, you have indirectly invested wisely in real estate. As for banks, during inflation, they tend to give off more opportunities like this. Therefore, note investing can be greatly beneficial for you. 

Rental Investing

You can also try the rental properties scheme. It can yield great returns during a tough inflation period. Most people cannot afford to buy new houses or properties in difficult times of inflation. 

So they may, instead, shift towards renting houses—increased demand in renting means higher returns. So if you own a property, you can easily enjoy the perks of renting. 

Using Real Estate As An Inflation Hedge

Real estate – is a hedge against inflation. Does this statement have some originality to it? Yes, you heard it right. Real estate fights against inflation like no other business. Let us make this point clear. 

Because of the following stated factors, real estate is considered a shield to investors during inflation:

  • High rental prices.
  • Increased value of the property.
  • Debt is devalued.

Landlords can take advantage of the inflation by increasing their properties’ rents. It is a great opportunity for earning higher returns because they have to pay the same expenses as before inflation. The only thing that has increased is their rental income.  

Let’s suppose you own several properties. Despite inflation, your property’s value may increase over time. It is never going to be devalued. 


Is It Good To Sell A House During Inflation?

Yes, it is a good idea to sell your house during inflation. It is mainly because the property values increase, and if you find a potential buyer, you can earn great profits. 

If you sell your property now, you may undoubtedly get a lot of money, but you may have to decide how to spend it. On the other hand, if you wish to have purchasing power, you may get into a fierce battle.

Who Are The Losers During Inflation?

During inflation, the losers are the people who were saving their lives but not investing before. It is because there is a significant decrease in the real value of their money. If you invest in assets like real estate, you would be enjoying higher returns by renting out your properties.

Moreover, people who have fixed incomes may be categorized as losers. The worst losers from inflation are waged workers, instructors, retirees, and lenders. These types of people are referred to as the middle class and are the most severely affected. 

Hence, incomes do not increase as quickly as the cost of things.

Where Should I Invest in Inflation?

For sure, we will recommend you invest in real estate. Because real estate does exceptionally well during times of inflation. You can earn a handsome amount if you own properties by paying them on rent. 

On the other hand, You can also try investing in other assets like index funds or bonds that ensure a higher rate of return as compared to inflation. This tactic will save you from certain losses during inflation and empower you to become successful.


So, this is What Happens To Real Estate During Inflation. Real Estate prices shoot up when inflation sets in an economy. Well, a problem never comes without its solution. Investors use real estate as a hedge to fight inflation because it can generate high returns. 

To conclude, real estate is indeed a safe convention when inflation is at its peak. Invest wisely, and you can earn significant profits. You can also take advantage of the situation by renting out properties as the demand is higher than normal. 

We hope, now you don’t have any misconceptions about inflation and its impacts on real estate investment. Please ask us freely if you have any questions about any point of this guide. Take care!

Sabine Ghali
Sabine Ghali
Helping real estate investors build wealth over time

Sabine Ghali, Managing Director at Buttonwood Property Management, Award Winning Real Estate Broker and an Entrepreneur at heart. Sabine is on a mission to help investors create real estate wealth over time in the Greater Toronto Area. Sabine is published in a number of media outlets, including Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, Toronto Sun, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Gulf News, among many others.